About Me

Here you will find my interests, hobbies, and online accounts.

👋 Hi there! My name is Musa Ahmed. I started learning to code during the initial Covid lockdowns and have been hooked ever since. I created this site to be a personal portfolio, a place for my blog, and a fun project to learn React.js and TailwindCSS. I am interested in all things computer, including the science behind it and the GNU/Linux OS in particular. I also very much enjoy learning new things in the software development sphere and beyond as well. Typically, in my free time I enjoy coding up new projects that solve an issue for me, just for fun, or to learn a new technology. I also like to play video games and chess when I get a chance. Above you can find all my important online accounts. If you would like to reach out to me, simply click the Contact page on the header and send me a message! Thanks for reading, have a great day :)

🧰 Tools and Technologies I've worked with

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